Ronda’s Weekly Column
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Ronda’s Weekly Column

Week of July 15, 2024

Hello everyone, it’s Ronda with the weekly HPV News-

Well, we have gotten some hot weather finally and the rain just continues to come. Summer is in full gear and really going much too fast. Residents sure have been enjoying the Patio Time and the Summer Treats on the Patio. We are celebrating Summer, and the rest of the world is moving to Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. No wonder time goes so fast.

They have also been liking the “create” event making some crafts to pass the day. Who doesn’t like glue, markers, and designing something fun?

What’s going on the week of July 21st to July 27th-

Sunday July 21st-10:00 am Worship (you are always welcome to attend with us) and Coffee and Dessert in the Coffee Shop from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm.  If you haven’t stopped out to visit the Coffee Shop you should come out and take a look. We recently went through a remodel, and it is so nice.

Monday July 22nd-Individual Room Visits, Number Game, and trivia. In the afternoon they will have Word Games, Bingo, Beverage Cart, and Balloon Game.

Tuesday July 23rd-Individual Room Visits, “create” and Trivia. In the afternoon they will have Waffle Lunch, Manicures, Beverage Cart, Blackjack, and the Twins ballgame.

Wednesday July 24th-Individual Room Visits, Worship, and Trivia. In the afternoon they will have Individual Activities, Pie and Coffee in the Coffee Shop from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm, Beverage Cart, Bible Study, and Individual Activities.

Thursday July 25th-Individual Room Visits, Number game, 7777777, and Trivia. In the afternoon they will have the Word Game, Beverage Cart and Music by Steve Worner at 3:00 pm in the Chapel (you are all welcome).

Friday July 26th-Individual Room Visits, Patio, and Trivia. In the afternoon they will have Word games and the Opening Ceremony for the Olympics.

Saturday July 27th-Room Visits, and Trivia. In the afternoon they will have Individual Activities, Beverage Cart, and Bingo.

Happy Birthday this week goes out to Lyle Ness! Happy Birthday!

It is for sure going to be a “red, white, and blue” time coming up. The Olympics are about due to start.  I always think that is so exciting, and there is about no way you can avoid all of the Election News, good and bad. I am not a very Political Person, but I appreciate that I have the right to vote and for the person that I want.  It is my right and I respect your right to vote as you would like.  I am going to say that I find it scary, the threats, mudslinging, etc. The events of the past few days make me sad. Come on USA.  I thought we were better than all this violence. Pray for the USA! On the flipside just think of these Residents and all the elections they have witnessed. We have two of our residents that are over 100, actually one is 105 and one is 103; amazing the amount of History they have witnessed. Come on out sometime and visit.  Our residents are a wealth of information, a real live walking, talking History Book.

This will do it for the week.  Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy.  Stay well too because there are things going around. Have a great week!